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Wines from Spain Annual Tasting 2021
Foods & Wines from Spain
Wines from Spain Annual Tasting 2021
Develop and deliver a hybrid programme of ‘mostly digital’ tasting events.
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611 participants to digital events ; 4186 samples sent out to UK trade and press ; 28,000 unique visitors to online event platform.

Wines from Spain Annual Tasting: let’s get digital!

To address the impossibility of hosting a large-scale event in Central London in the spring of 2021, Otaria Communications developed a hybrid programme of mostly digital events enabling Spanish wine importers and producers to present their portfolios and latest releases to UK trade professionals and the press.

‘Otaria Communications, in collaboration with Bottlebooks, developed a new, digital, searchable catalogue for Wines from Spain’s Annual Tasting, which brought producers, importers and their wines to life. Visitors could access producer profiles, images, videos, read detailed wine information, get in touch with exhibitors at the touch of a button, and order samples to be delivered to their door'.

New technology to support live tasting events  

The use of a wine ordering App at a sit-down live tasting event in June helped organisers manage and respect Covid-safe practices and limit contacts, keeping visitors and staff safe. This new technology also enabled us to report to producers and obtain great visitor insights, from samples requests data to full tasting notes.  

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